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Plan Your Renovation With This Step-by-step Guide

Jul 21, 2021

Renovating a house might seem like a daunting task at first, but once you know where to begin and how to proceed, it could not be easier. This step-by-step guide should help to put it all into perspective for you and help you know how to get the home renovation that you want.

1. Planning

A simple but necessary step, you will always have to think long and hard about what renovations you want and how practical this will be – as well as how this all fits within your budget. Whatever helps you visualise the renovation of your dreams will be extremely helpful; the more detail you bring to your contractors, the better your vision can be realised. 

Returning to the budget, it's important you take stock of what is and isn't achievable with your finances; a loan is always an option, but either way, it's good to be realistic about the work that might need to be done.

2. Getting council approval

This does not apply to all renovations, but many home improvements require permission from the council for several reasons. Internal changes generally don't need approval unless significant changes to the building’s structure are being made, but most work done outside will need permission. 

Make sure you have all of the necessary documentation and a lot of patience – this process alone could take more time than the renovation itself.

3. Selecting your contractors

Now that you have an idea of what you want and the permission to achieve it, your next step should be to find the contractors for the job. It is highly recommended that you select a building company first and foremost, as they know the best subcontractors in the area who can help with any tasks that emerge. 

Your contractors will work with you so you can best achieve your dream on the budget that you have – there is a chance this might involve some things being scaled back slightly, but the result should speak for itself.

4. Trusting the process

Once you are satisfied with the professionals you have hired and the plan is finalised, the renovations can begin in full. Your contractors have been doing this for years (perhaps even decades), so you can trust them to take care of the job to your specifications. 

There is no harm in checking the build's progress, but you can continue your days in the knowledge that anyone working on your property is dedicated to one goal only: your dream home. 

5. Reaping the benefits

After the work has been completed by your trusted contractors, you should have exactly what you asked for – and any professional worth their trade would not stop until that has been achieved. With your renovations complete, you can enjoy a more comfortable living experience and a higher-value home.

With over two decades of experience in delivering extensions, renovations, new homes, decks and even wholesale constructions to the Bundaberg region and beyond, Carwin Homes could be the ones to gift you your dream home. If you’re ready to begin, then contact us today.

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